Teacher Training

During the school day, our kids spend a large amount of time with their teachers. Teachers must constantly broaden their knowledge in order for children to thrive and be nourished. Keeping this in mind, we provide a variety of courses and training to keep teachers up to date on current teaching methodologies, class management strategies, and exchanges with children and parents.

Here are the steps we take to upskill all our facilitators:

  • We hold regular professional development programmes that are designed to constantly upgrade the methods we use for teaching nursery students. We invite experts in particular subjects to hold these sessions.
  • Our teachers undergo in-service training to help them become acquainted with the various facets of teaching.
  • Teachers of our school have benefited from intra and inter-school interactions in which they have exchanged ideas and learned new pedagogical concepts and skills.
  • Class teachers are given guidelines to aid students with special education needs in the classroom as well.